I always wonder about the relationship of ageing with the human spirit. Earlier, when I was much younger, I used to look upon ageing as a damaging and destructive phenomena. But I assumed that to be the human condition - universal and inevitable. But, I wonder now! Maybe because I am ageing myself and I do not see that inevitable, holistic, destructive phenomena happening to me. The social conditioning in me of how ageing is 'supposed' to happen as opposed to how it 'is' happening is quite dissimilar. Now, this is not to say that I do not believe that the gait slows down, the joints start creaking, the skin starts sagging and the sight grows dimmer. But is that all there is to us? The physical self? There is the intellect, the spirit, the emotions and at some level all of these are interconnected and, yes, interconnected even with the physical self but they are also, at the same time, separate. This separation becomes quite apparent at the time of death when the ...