We sat down and in that utter silence started watching the cosmic show! As we watched, Venus- the only light in the night sky was silently, slowly but surely moving to set behind the darkness that loomed large. It seemed as if a little soldier was fighting a huge army after all his comrades had fallen but we already knew his fate! There was no sign of the moon and even this little dot of light was moving fast to disappear. As the star moved, I felt a st range sense of foreboding and despair and wanted to hold on and not let time move so fast but felt all the more helpless. The mountain loomed large, a huge shadow on the horizon, a blanket of utter dark, waiting to leap up and devilishly swallow this tiny light! I wanted someone... anyone to just hold time still... And then, my eyes were dazzled by a brilliance that was blinding…. the instant the star was swallowed by the mountains, the moon came out of the shadows! I had to close my eyes to clear my vision. I turned and looked ...