As elections approach in Pakistan, well at least talk of elections becasue in Pakistan, elections are an elusive phenomenon, I thought of posting something I wrote in 2019 but never got around to posting it. It is however, as relevant today as it was then and will be relevant for a long time to come as I dont see anything changing in Pakistan: As I read different views of people, on various talk shows, in newspaper articles, social media, trying to pin down, some in good faith, where the problem lies with our society, the diagnosis I have picked up is religious intolerance, government apathy, rise of religious fundamentalism, some have even talked about illiteracy. That pretty much covers the spectrum of the debates in the wake of Mishal Khan or any incident since or before it. Any one of this diagnosis can be fixed in short term through force or radical change. It is something which can be covered marvelously by 24 hours news channels and we can have a fantastic coverage of ...