Minority affairs Minister in India, AR Antulay is in the midst of a media created controversy when he raised suspicion in the death of anti terrorism chief Hemant Karkare , our own opposition leader Mr. Nawaz Sharif created headaches for the government when he questioned the cordoning off of the village where the alleged Pakistani terrorist Ajmal Qasaab is reported by Indian media to hail from. AR Antulay asked why didn't Karkare with two other senior police officers travel to critical areas of terrorist activities on that fatal day like Oberoi , Taj or Narimen house and why all three senior people travelled in the same vehicle which apparently is a breach of protocol. Nawaz Sharif in the same vein has asked why the government is not allowing media to enter the village and question Ajmal Qasaab's family? Only two things can come out of it, either he does belong to that village in which case his family will explain that he has been missing for the last couple of ye...