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I Really Don't Know What The Hell Is Going On.

I was reading an article on BBC-Urdu by Muhammad Hanif where he says towards the end of his article, on the subject of attacks in Mumbai, that in reality he doesn't know what all this is that's happening, who has done it and whether it can ever be solved in our lifetime. Those are the truest words that I have heard in recent past. I am sick and tired of hearing tall claims of absolutely nailing it, knowing exactly what is happening, what organizations are involved and how to deal with it. Every person you talk to has a view on it and is willing to give his life to uphold what he KNOWS to be true. People like Obama, e.g. so he knew exactly how war on Iraq will fare, wow, we are so impressed that here is a president who knew exactly how terrible this war was going to turn out but wait a minute, he thinks Afghanistan should be the next focus of NATO's concentration! So in eight years time we will have another presidential nominee who will tell you that he opposed this war, in Afghanistan, from the very beginning. Maybe we should keep an eye on these visionaries, so that we know our future leadership!

What does it matter if you knew something in advance or not? Whether you could foretell or not? The world is not particularly in the need of Nostradamuses right now, it wants people who may make mistakes, admit that the world is not really as straight forward as we assume it to be, at least the common man will feel that these so called leaders talk the same language as they do. Lets suppose, solution to end terrorist attacks in the world is a resolution of Kashmir problem....which is way too much simplifying anyway..but we are supposing here. So, what does that entail? Having a referendum in Kashmir so that people can have their right to determine their destiny. No matter how fair this process is, result will go in one direction, is anyone going to accept? And what happened to the areas that are linked with Kashmir, like the Northern Areas and Pakistan administered Kashmir, would they really like to now be governed by India? Who would form a government in that area, if they make it an independent state? Aren't they opening up a Pandora's box? And this is a simplified form of an extremely complex case!! But no one admits that the case is so complex.

The higher you are in your authority, the more disillusioned you your self are that you know or disillusion others into thinking that you know. Because from this is the obvious deduction that if you know what the problem is, you know how to deal with it and you the 'common man' can rest easy and relax. I wish there were more people who said, I Really Don't Know What The Hell Is Going On!


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