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Haven't written in a while and those following my blog would know by now that whenever something disturbing on the world scene happens, I stop writing. Its an irony because usually writers provide solace through their writings while I, lose all power of expression when I am disturbed. And then what is there to write? Follow any newspaper from around the world and there is only one message that you get: Pakistan is rapidly slipping into an abyss! I was born in the 70s and have grown up in the 90s, I have vague recollection of the 80s even though I was not old enough to understand what life under Zia's martial law was like but I have seen relay race of power between Benazir and Nawaz Sharif in the 90s but never in our history have we been so unsafe. Where every person big or small, significant or otherwise, powerful or weak, rich or poor is exposed equally to this invisible enemy. Call it what you might, Taliban, extremist, jihadi, Al Qaeda, seperatist, a murderer by any name is and remains a murderer! Never before have we looked into inquiring eyes about Pakistan and for a lack of any sensible explanation shrugged because things just do not make sense.

Until recently I wondered why we were not seeing any leadership and the only explanation I could come up with was that ideological movements create leaders behind whom people gather and right now the only twisted ideology at play is that of the enemy, the Jihadi ideology but now I feel that who would want to stand up when there is not a chance in heaven of survival. We don't even know who the enemy is and where the bullet will come from? Anyone who takes THIS cause will be committing suicide.

We could have a blaming game right now and point fingers at actors who have pushed our country to a point of possibly no return but which one person would you blame. Every freaking ******* who has come to power in Pakistan has used her like a whore. One after the other they came, they looted, they used her for gold, for palaces in London, for foreign trips, for more power for themselves and their coming generations and they are still only thinking of milking her for as long as she can stand. What will they do when she falls? They will dust their clothes and move into their palaces. While we, we will be left to bear the brunt of her fall. Because there is no other place we can call home! While they moved their investments abroad, we invested everything here. Every last penny, every dream, every hope is invested in her. What hurts the most is that you give your most precious possession in safe keeping to someone who is tried and tested to take care of it and we have given it to the same criminals who have been tested not once but over and over again and have every time robbed us. These are the captains of our sinking ship!


i absolutely absolutely absolutely agree ! but what do you think we should do ?
because as you said the situation right now is so complicated that its hard to figure out the solution ! we always talk about the problems never the solution !WHAT SHOULD WE DO? start a revolution? call me a pessimist but that certainly is not going to happen..its ironic how this country is even surviving really !
also one more thing i think we as a nation are partly at fault as well..yes we never had a true leader but we should have taken action at the right time..we as a nation are too lazy and our mindsets are not tolerant enough for any kind of change..i think we need to change our mindsets and education is the key ! thats my solution
مایون said…
Zahra, if we had a magic wand I don't think you and I would be here talking so. I always thought I was an optimist but now anyone who is, about Pakistan, looks fake to me. Having said that, without hope a single second would be hard to pass.
Ofcourse revolutions are brought about by ideologies. We missed one, when mass movement was underway for restoration of the judiciary but again backrooms of power settled it artificially. Lets see when the next chance comes.
I completely agree about education being our long term and sustainable hope for the future but even for that we need a government who would lay the framework but we still need a revolution to get to that stage .

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