I am torn between birds eye view or ants view! Not that we are ever privy to enough information to give either with any authority. All we can do is catch some snitches and try to construct a reality. Always a little apprehensive about how things would turn out, that is if we are honest about knowledge dissemination.
I say this because curiously we are always given the impression of having knowledge, there is nothing that goes on in the back rooms of power that is not shared in the press room, 'on or off' the record, and manages to come into the electronic or print media and we, the poor 'awam' or common man, subsequently hear about our fates. It is also quite strange that this media, acting as either mouthpieces of powers that be or awam's beneficiary and taking up the role of Nostradamus, can predict destinies of nations. They can foretell a destiny many months in advance. So the power is, not in the knowledge of what is happening right now but, in how early you can predict what is to come. Or is it? Is there something that we are missing in these linkages and leakages. Is the media an independent complete entity in itself? Can it ever be? Can it survive without the linkages with high places on which it relies for 'news'?
Is media really the Virgin Mary or has it sold its soul to the devil? Is the ground set, subconscious readied through media bombardment before the bull is targeted? So what comes first then? Egg or hen?? News or Game plan?
I say this because curiously we are always given the impression of having knowledge, there is nothing that goes on in the back rooms of power that is not shared in the press room, 'on or off' the record, and manages to come into the electronic or print media and we, the poor 'awam' or common man, subsequently hear about our fates. It is also quite strange that this media, acting as either mouthpieces of powers that be or awam's beneficiary and taking up the role of Nostradamus, can predict destinies of nations. They can foretell a destiny many months in advance. So the power is, not in the knowledge of what is happening right now but, in how early you can predict what is to come. Or is it? Is there something that we are missing in these linkages and leakages. Is the media an independent complete entity in itself? Can it ever be? Can it survive without the linkages with high places on which it relies for 'news'?
Is media really the Virgin Mary or has it sold its soul to the devil? Is the ground set, subconscious readied through media bombardment before the bull is targeted? So what comes first then? Egg or hen?? News or Game plan?