We come into the world, live our lives and leave the world. Sometimes we live through events or incidents which raise the status of our daily inconsequential lives from mundane to meaningful. We might call these miracles or simply coincidences. For a brief moment we feel watched over and then in the race that we call life we move on and forget these moments or remember them briefly and marvel. Never or very rarely do we become a part of something on a cosmic level, it doesn't change the course of our lives in a direct way but we feel that the whole universe conspired to create that moment and though billions of people live in this world, we were the only ones who were able to witness this event like a private and exclusive viewing of a grand display. We are even luckier if we have someone to share this event with, to look into someone's eyes and see the wonder reflected! A confidant. That reminds us that what we saw was not a figment of our fancy imagination but a rare and beautiful gift.
Everyday we make choices. Big choices, small choices, green choices, important choices, insignificant choices....but we make them without realizing that we have a choice. So many times the choices we make are not real choices but are made for us by forces outside of us. First and foremost we are persuaded by advertisement, through billboards, pop ups, television, newspapers or by advocates who have already realized their power to choose. Without educating us they advocate for their choice and we are swayed. Strong advocates for atheism, going vegetarian, going green, going organic, the list goes on. Then there is a modern and current sway which catches us unawares. You are caught in the domino effect and don't even realize your own conversion. And its a strange conversion because you always were what you suddenly start claiming but now you have to define your self, you cant choose to live in the border area, you have to declare. Not only that you have to now start defending your po...