Its been a couple of days since Imran Khan and Reham Khan announced their separation and decision to divorce. Nothing out of the ordinary there, as the decision to marry was also theirs, except maybe the timing of the announcement which coincided with the local bodies elections and may have had an impact but thats something which would be very difficult to gauge. What I do find quite extraordinary and almost bordering on incredulous is the amazing audacity of PTI supporters to present this break up as a result of some sort of principled stand by Mr. Khan. The idea being that Ms. Khan wanted to play a role in party politics and Mr. Khan could not bring himself to allow this so he had to sacrifice his marriage for his principled stand! How utterly outrageous is this! This is not principled stance but rather immaturity and shortsightedness. These two got into this relationship out of probably love and, I would assume, mutual admiration and respect. It was definitely not an 'arranged' marriage. When they decided to marry Imran Khan was in the thick of his dharnas and his popularity was at its peak. Reham Khan on the other hand is herself a worldly lady and from what we have heard from her she seems to be be very politically aware and driven. When they decided to marry, I would assume, and logically speaking she would have subscribed to his ideology and would have wanted to support him in achieving his goal, not as a spectator but as an equal partner!
Politics is not a career where two people working in the same field can not work in the same organisations and you have options of working in another organisation. Because, when politics are done right, have a clear ideology, an ideology that is normally shared by two people sharing their lives. For example someone who is a liberal then cannot have much in common with someone who is a conservative. And in this case, if Reham wanted to join politics she could not have then joined PPP, JUI, or parish the thought, PML (N). Now, could she? So what options did she have? This then is not a principled position but a case of putting your foot in your mouth when you criticise other people for involving their family members in party affairs. If this really is the reason, then it is most unfortunate and I hope Imran Khan learns from this affair as this is too high a price to pay for a mistake. It is very sad when a marriage breaks and especially more so when it happens in the public eye. I hope they are able to work things out and get back together as they were a treat for the eyes!
Politics is not a career where two people working in the same field can not work in the same organisations and you have options of working in another organisation. Because, when politics are done right, have a clear ideology, an ideology that is normally shared by two people sharing their lives. For example someone who is a liberal then cannot have much in common with someone who is a conservative. And in this case, if Reham wanted to join politics she could not have then joined PPP, JUI, or parish the thought, PML (N). Now, could she? So what options did she have? This then is not a principled position but a case of putting your foot in your mouth when you criticise other people for involving their family members in party affairs. If this really is the reason, then it is most unfortunate and I hope Imran Khan learns from this affair as this is too high a price to pay for a mistake. It is very sad when a marriage breaks and especially more so when it happens in the public eye. I hope they are able to work things out and get back together as they were a treat for the eyes!